Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Partnersip for Sustainable Communities

Here's a site dedicated to the Partnership for Sustainable Communities between government agencies HUD, DOT, and EPA.  One of the goals of this partnership for 2011 is dedicate itself to the "connection between sustainable communities, job creation, econmomic growth, and redevelopment"- and viable transit options in a community are key ingredients to accomplish this connection.  Check out what the President had to say about it:

"By working together, [HUD, DOT, and EPA] can make sure that when it comes to development—housing, transportation, energy efficiency—these things aren’t mutually exclusive; they go hand in hand. And that means making sure that affordable housing exists in close proximity to jobs and transportation. That means encouraging shorter travel times and lower travel costs. It means safer, greener, more livable communities. "
–President Barack Obama


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